#TeamKilla is Taking People Higher Up!

IMG_7312When people see good things going on in your life like physical changes, healthy lifestyle choices, and an overall change in your mindset and focus, they want to know what you are doing!  Stephanie, from Hire Up Staffing Service, aka #TeamKilla, wanted to share a bit of her new and improved lifestyle with her staff, as they prepare for a busy time of year and set new corporate challenges.

We sat down and laid out a plan for “Corporate Wellness with Coach Rob!”  Our main goal for the staff was to help them learn how to be “comfortable with being uncomfortable” in order to help them push through and achieve new goals.  On Fridays, I head to the Hire Up offices to pump these ladies up with a mini-bootcamp and a motivational topic for the week.

There are many topics that can fuel a change in lifestyle, but I started with some basics.  A great place to start was to teach the team about having focused thoughts and walking through discomfort to achieve new accomplishments.  IMG_7313

  • Control your mindset.
  • Passion comes from your core.
  • Do your personal BEST.
  • Achievement is limitless.

Mindset Matters: We choose our state of mind and our thoughts dictate how we perceive the world, so limit the negative and focus on all of the positive. Exercise your choice and find a way to claim your mindset.  Check out my “Claim Your Morning” blog.

Passion comes from your CORE:  In fitness, all movements originate from the CORE and in life our passions and desires originate from our Soul.  The soul is the core of our being and when we listen, it guides us to what we love, what we are good at doing, and what leads us to pure joy.  My soul lead me to coaching, where does your core lead you?  Called to Coach!!


Achievement is LIMITLESS:  There are thousands of public speakers, webpages, businesses, and books all dedicated to success and achievement.  One key factor of any plan for success is not to allow yourself to be limited by your own doubts.  Life is LIMITLESS.

I am happy to report the team at HIRE UP STAFFING SERVICE has had positive reviews about our Friday mornings! As a coach, especially as Steph’s coach, it is exciting to see a client incorporating her new goals and life changes into her role at work.  Check out Hire Up Staffing Service.


Maintain Motivation Monday!

BAM Logic!!!

Maintain Motivation Monday

Maintaining motivation is tough for most of the world.  An integral part of staying motivated, is to find a source of inspiration that speaks to YOU and to remain positive!


The MILLION Dollar Word

IMG_5107Motivation is a 10 letter word that is worth a million dollars! No goal can be achieved without maintaining motivation and staying on track.

The motivation to take care of yourself quickly falls by the wayside when a child needs something, work is pulls you in several directions, or let’s face it, you’re just too tired to put forth the effort.  I stress the importance of motivation and just showing up to all my clients.  Some days you may feel like you are only able to do 20 minutes on the treadmill when you normally do 50, but every minute counts and showing up helps you maintain the motivation and consistency.  An integral part of staying motivated, is to find a source of inspiration that speaks to YOU and to remain positive!  Maintaining motivation is tough for most of the world, so I have laid out a few tips to help you find your motivation.

To maintain motivation, encourage yourself like you would encourage your best friend, child, or co-worker.  Far too many times, we are inclined to think negatively about ourselves and the areas where we need improvement.  We would never sit silently by if a friend or child was constantly putting themselves down, so why treat yourself this way?  Men and women alike, would benefit from changing their inner dialogue to positive thoughts, especially in regard to health and fitness.  Instead of telling yourself you need to workout because you are “fat,” “out of shape, ” or  have “let myself go,” say one of the following affirmations: Dwayne-Johnson-The-Rock-Motivation-Quote-about-Success “I am working on being healthier.”   “I am investing in myself and my health.”  “I am working on being the best version of me.”

To maintain motivation, surround yourself with support.  A supportive environment will serve as a safety net when you are struggling to maintain your motivation or need a pep talk.  Reach out to people who live a healthy lifestyle and ask for tips, advice, and use them to hold yourself accountable.  Accountability partners can motivate you in a number or ways; they can remind you of why you’re on this journey, encourage you to make it to the gym, and be your biggest cheerleader when you have successes.
To maintain motivation, find resources that speak to you!  
There is not a single motivator that works for everyone; like eating plans and workout regimens, try as many as you need to try until you find the right fit.  The internet provides infinite resources that are available 24/7.  As you are surfing the web, note your reaction to fitness pages, health blogs, or transformation photos and add the most inspiring to your “favorites” for continued motivation.

IMG_5099There is no universal answer for maintaining motivation. All of my real warriors, are motivated by different things. I have some that are motivated by health issues, some are motivated by wanting the ideal body, and some are motivated by wanting a better quality of life. One thing they all have in common is that they have found the key to keep motivated and work consistently and persistently on themselves.


Fresno Fit Chef

IMG_5956My passions are food, weight lifting, and fitness but that hasn’t always been the case.  My life changed when my trainer, Coach Rob, introduced me to WEIGHTS!

I am a quintessential example of unhealthy extremes and self medicating.  I have been so thin that I wore children’s clothing and I have also been an over 300 pound alcoholic.  It was clear that I needed to learn moderation, find a plan that worked for me, and overhaul my attitude about life and my health.

When I was in high school, I was a swimmer, a dancer, and a cheerleader; with the metabolism of a teen and these activities, I wasn’t an overweight child.  Long past high school and after years of struggling with my weight,  I was 324 pounds.  Everything ached, my hips and back hurt, and I was drinking regularly.  I knew I needed to do something to change my life.  Too embarrassed to go to a gym, but certain I had to change my life, I called Synergy Fitness and was introduced to Coach Rob.

When I met Rob, I needed someone who understood where I was both physically and emotionally.  Physically: I couldn’t plank for even 2 seconds and I couldn’t do a push  up, nope, not even 1.   Emotionally: I was drinking too much, had a negative attitude, and was embarrassed by my inability to perform simple workout tasks.  After my first session with Coach Rob, my homework was to practice doing a push up.  I was below ground zero.  image1

Rob and I worked on my fitness, my diet, and most importantly my attitude.  I decided if I was going to spend money on a personal trainer, I was going to follow what he said to the letter.  I committed to the process and implemented everything Rob said and within 8 – 9 months, I lost 70 pounds and gained a lot of MUSCLE!

I don’t think any other trainer could pull out of me what Rob pulls out of me during every workout.  My goal was to get rid of my hip and back pain and in the process, I changed my life and discovered my passion, myself, and my NEXT GOAL!

You can follow my continuing journey on Instagram @FresnoFitChef and on Facebook @FresnoFitChef!


Food, Fitness, & the F-Word

IMG_5599Patience is a virtue with which I was not blessed.  Since I was a child, I have wanted to do things full speed ahead and beat my own personal best.  In 2011, I was told by my general practitioner that I was borderline diabetic and with my family history, I needed to start taking medication.  Devastation. Panic. Tears.  Yes!  I had a full on “terrible twos I want cookies at the grocery store meltdown,” but I was much older and in a doctor’s office without parental supervision.

My visceral reaction was deeply rooted in my fear of developing diabetes and dying of complications like my father, who died at the young age of 56.  The look of surprise on my doctor’s face was not comforting and neither were the rapid fire assurances, explanations, and solutions with which he attempted to calm me.  I took a few deep breaths and as he handed me my prescription, I ripped it up and said, “Give me 30 days with no meds and I will be back.”  (My personal choice to refuse medication was not condoned by my doctor.)  There was  no way I was going to pop a pill to control something I could make better by changing my lifestyle.

A girlfriend suggested I watch, “Fat Sick and Nearly Dead.”  I mean let’s face it, when a FRIEND suggests you watch that movie, it kinda says a lot.  I watched the movie, invested in a pricey juicer, and started raw juicing.  For one full month, I walked swiftly into my office without so much as looking at the bagels and donuts.  Instead of high-caloried lunches, I took mason jars filled with unappealing brown and green raw juice to my business meetings.  30 days later, I was down 15 pounds, and the doctor agreed to monitor my weight loss progress instead of put me on a prescription drug.  I took control of my health. 

After surgery February 2016

Weight loss and being healthy is a daily struggle for many Americans and sadly, one I have dealt with my entire life.  FAT, “the F-Word,” stopped bothering me when I was in my mid-twenties.  My philosophy, if “FAT” is the worst thing someone can say about me, I am doing great at this game of life.  The only problem, my health was now being effected, so confident and secure or not, I was unhealthy.  After a few years of my new lifestyle, I was down almost 90 pounds but still battled to lose the last 30 pounds.

In July of 2015, EVERYTHING changed, I was T-boned by a car traveling 55-60 mile per hour, my car was totaled,  and I had to have serious spine surgery.  I was emotionally derailed by my serious fear of surgery and the arduous recovery ahead of me.  My surgery was more complex and more painful than anticipated and I was depleted by the adverse effect my car accident had on my life. IMG_1998 After a trying and crying month of walking around the block with a walker and a month of slowly walking laps in the pool, I was over baby steps.

When my surgeon finally agreed to allow me to slowly get back to my normal workout schedule of 4-6 times a week, I knew I couldn’t do it alone.   I had lost a lot of my balance, stamina, and confidence in my ability to even walk up the flight of stairs to get to the gym.  I needed a cheerleader, a therapist, and a trainer who wouldn’t run when I started crying because I lost my balance on 7 out of 10 reps during leg day.   I needed someone to make sure I took baby steps.  I needed someone who believed I could bounce back, because I didn’t.  Coach Rob was the man for the job! BAM!!! #FoodFitnessNtheFWord

#fitness #fitfam #fitlife #goals #eatclean #healthy #lifestyle #gymaholic #goals #hardwork #crushit #bam #workoutmotivation #fitnessmotivation #fitnesscoach #coachrobj #motivation #gymlife #getfit #gethealthy #coachrobjswarriors #BAMLogic