#TeamKilla Set #4 – #CoachRobJsTT

21032703_1817881674890521_3711140115890992152_nFrom Coach Rob J – Steph is committed to being her best and this is how she and I went about transforming her body from a size 14 to a size 2 in just over a year.  It hasn’t always been easy; there have been tears, yelling, and a lot of pain to get her here.  We were and continue to be on a shared mission. Keep it up Killa! BAM!!!

It’s all about consistency and discipline. The motivation isn’t always there, so many days I force myself to workout, eat right, drink water, go to bed, etc…even if it’s not what I WANT to do that day.   I literally do not allow “excuses” in my life anymore.  Rob said something when I first began doing bootcamp and it has stuck with me for years, “don’t think, just move.”  I repeat this at least 5 times a day to remind myself to do what it takes.  The physical results are of course, fantastic!  Who doesn’t love to be able to wear whatever you want? 20841008_1810494048962617_7664280172392577460_nThe mental and emotional results are the real rewards.

To be able to pick up that heavy weight, go that extra 10 minutes, workout 5-7 times a week, that is mentally strengthening.  I LOVE waking up sore.  It’s a physical reminder that I put in the work, I gave my best, I did what I said I was going to do.  The best part of all of this, however, is when people tell me because of my example, they have started making changes in their own life.  THAT motivates me to lead by example every single day. 

20117044_1772344069444282_8322371101545401641_oI don’t consider the time I put into working out, or the food I no longer eat to be “sacrifices.”  Sacrifices are when you give up something valuable for something else.  I gave up things that did not bring value to my life.  Working out and eating healthy have added value to my life.  I don’t miss the old habits at all.  I don’t miss rewarding myself with food and alcohol.  I don’t miss dreading getting dressed for work every morning, I don’t miss feeling sluggish and tired.

20989046_1815588758453146_6440877220144770709_oFrom a size 14 to a 2 may just be numbers to most; for me, it has been a true transformation. Not just a physical one, but more importantly, a mental one.  I got rid of the baggage, and for the first time in my life, I am genuinely happy and strong.

Share your transformation! Hashtag #CoachRobJsTT!   You could inspire someone like Steph aka #TeamKilla has inspired so many of her friends, family, and co-workers!  This lady ROCKS every workout! BAM!!! 


Maintain Motivation Monday!

BAM Logic!!!

Maintain Motivation Monday

Maintaining motivation is tough for most of the world.  An integral part of staying motivated, is to find a source of inspiration that speaks to YOU and to remain positive!


Chef B-Rizzle Set #2 – Why a Trainer?

IMG_9105What made you decide to hire a personal trainer?
Since I have struggled with my weight most of my life, I have never been comfortable working out at public gyms.  Besides being self-conscious about working out in public,  I thought the personal attention of a trainer would help me to learn what I needed to change to be successful and build a healthier lifestyle.  The positive motivation, exercises, and nutrition coaching with Coach Rob are personally adapted for me.  Having a personal trainer has helped me to sustain long term progress, commitment to our plan, and it definitely helps knowing that I have an accountability partner!

At my heaviest my doctor told me I was over 100 pounds overweight and it clearly had a severe negative impact on my health. I had high blood pressure, vertigo, sleep apnea, and terrible migraine headaches.  Any one of these ailments would leave me debilitated anywhere from a few hours to several days. After trying multiple treatment plans, doctors, specialists, a briefcase full of medications, and seeking care at Stanford Medical Center, I realized I needed to invest in my health and completely overhaul my lifestyle. 

IMG_2543I was referred to Rob and after our first meeting, I knew he was a perfect fit! His calm, positive demeanor, and his ability to understand my apprehension about working out due to my health issues was key.  Approximately 5 years before I met Rob, I was successful in losing and maintaining a 90 pound weight loss, but as many of us do, I lost the weight the wrong way. Coach Rob took the time to explain a plan that would generate slow and steady progress.   The right way! 

IMG_5133To say my first day working out with Rob was a out of my comfort zone, is a total and complete understatement.   I was comfortable in the gym because I was the only one working out, but it had been so long since I worked out that I threw up at the end of my work out. Somehow, Rob put a positive spin on me puking my guts out and I have been showing up ever since! 

Fresno Fit Chef

IMG_5956My passions are food, weight lifting, and fitness but that hasn’t always been the case.  My life changed when my trainer, Coach Rob, introduced me to WEIGHTS!

I am a quintessential example of unhealthy extremes and self medicating.  I have been so thin that I wore children’s clothing and I have also been an over 300 pound alcoholic.  It was clear that I needed to learn moderation, find a plan that worked for me, and overhaul my attitude about life and my health.

When I was in high school, I was a swimmer, a dancer, and a cheerleader; with the metabolism of a teen and these activities, I wasn’t an overweight child.  Long past high school and after years of struggling with my weight,  I was 324 pounds.  Everything ached, my hips and back hurt, and I was drinking regularly.  I knew I needed to do something to change my life.  Too embarrassed to go to a gym, but certain I had to change my life, I called Synergy Fitness and was introduced to Coach Rob.

When I met Rob, I needed someone who understood where I was both physically and emotionally.  Physically: I couldn’t plank for even 2 seconds and I couldn’t do a push  up, nope, not even 1.   Emotionally: I was drinking too much, had a negative attitude, and was embarrassed by my inability to perform simple workout tasks.  After my first session with Coach Rob, my homework was to practice doing a push up.  I was below ground zero.  image1

Rob and I worked on my fitness, my diet, and most importantly my attitude.  I decided if I was going to spend money on a personal trainer, I was going to follow what he said to the letter.  I committed to the process and implemented everything Rob said and within 8 – 9 months, I lost 70 pounds and gained a lot of MUSCLE!

I don’t think any other trainer could pull out of me what Rob pulls out of me during every workout.  My goal was to get rid of my hip and back pain and in the process, I changed my life and discovered my passion, myself, and my NEXT GOAL!

You can follow my continuing journey on Instagram @FresnoFitChef and on Facebook @FresnoFitChef!