Reflections. Goals. Resolutions.

Chalk BoardHalloween is the “unofficial” gateway to caloric overload.
Treats. Sweets. Indulgences. Reflections. Goals. Resolutions.  All of these words are associated with the holiday season and the dawning of a New Year.  After all of the parties, quick meals while out shopping, and two straight months of “cheat days,” Americans are left to reflect on their unachieved goals from the past year and once again, set New Year’s resolutions.

Funny-new-years-resolutions-someecards-58b8d6273df78c353c22f120Have you ever stopped to think why only 8% of all New Year’s Resolutions are kept?  How difficult is it to stop 2 months of over indulgence when the clock strikes midnight on January 1st?  Why not start implementing small changes in November and December to set yourself up for success?  Huff Post has a great article from December of last year that offers tips on changes in the New Year.

New Year's ResolutionsIt seems retail stores roll out Christmas decorations earlier and earlier every year, why not start planning your New Year’s Reset earlier this year!?!  B.A.M. Logic is an easy way to lay out and stick to a plan:  BEGIN with a Goal / Plan.  Achieve Consistency.  Maintain Motivation.  I would love to help you plot your plan of attack for a successful in 2018! BAM!!!

Happy, Healthy BBQ Side Dishes


bbq-healthyHealthy eating is an integral part of any weight loss or healthy lifestyle plan, but we also know, you shouldn’t deprive yourself.   With this weekend being filled with barbecues for Labor Day and the Fresno State Bulldogs tailgating season kicking off in full swing, I decided to share something healthy BBQ side options.  Let’s just assume we are all going to indulge in something tasty off the grill but this does not mean your entire meal has to be “an unhealthy indulgence.”

As I discussed on my blog last week, access to healthy eating has never been easier.  Easy Access to Eating Healthy   The central California is especially lucky to have fresh produce on every street corner, farmer’s market, and even in some of our own backyards.

CLOVIS Farmer’s Market Friday nights and Saturday mornings!

Heirloom tomatoes, strawberries, and fresh stone fruit are all in season and can add a new twist to your normal barbecue side dish selection.  Change up those high fat sides of macaroni and cheese, chili, and potatoes salad with some healthy alternatives using fresh produce which is rich in natural flavor and can be locally sourced!



Cooking Light Magazine’s Easy Barbecue Side Dishes!

I googled “healthy barbecue side dishes” and within .66 seconds, I had 5.31 MILLION webpages, all loaded with recipes and photos at my finger tips!  Here are some great resources to help you contribute healthier sides to any BBQ or tailgate.

If you get adventurous this weekend and make a new healthy side dish, post a picture on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and #CoachRobJCooks or you can SNAPCHAT me at coach_robj and I will feature some of the photos next week! Have a Happy, Healthy, and Safe Holiday weekend! Go Dogs!

Fitness Magazine has a great healthier “Mac and Cheese” made with cauliflower.



BAM! Motivation Monday

Monday-MotivationDo you dread Mondays?  Do you sit at work on Mondays struggling to get in to the groove of a new work week?  For some, just getting out of bed on Monday is a struggle.  After a leisure weekend, working out before work, prepping your meals for the day, and making it to work on time, can make any Monday feel overwhelming.  I found this quick read, from the HuffPost, on why you should NEVER miss your Monday workout.

IMG_9105I also checked in with some of Coach Rob J’s Real Warriors to see how they maintain motivation and asked for some of their favorite resources to kickstart their drive, when they are feeling a little sluggish.  Chef B-rizzle, Bryan, isn’t one for social media or inspiring quotes; his motivation is fueled by results!  He said, “results become an addiction.”  From fitting into smaller sized clothing, the number on his scale decreasing, and consistently noticing improvements in his health, Chef B-rizzle is his own motivation.  I can personally attest that Bryan reigns himself back in and seeks guidance and motivation when he needs to refocus.  Check out his story – Chef B-Rizzle Gets Fit


Steph, aka #TeamKilla, has several resources of encouragement, and much like B-Rizzle, her own results fuel her fire.  Having transformed her body from a size 14 to a size 2 in just over a year, she gets a much needed boost from her before and after photos, inspirational quotes, Pinterest, Tumblr, and she follows a few male and female weightlifters and athletes on Instagram.  Check out some of the accounts #teamkilla shares: Gymaholic, HealthyFitMantras on IG, and  But between you and me, I think she gets her biggest boost of motivation when she shows up in new workout digs!  Check out how her transformation started, Team Killa.

Deb, aka #teamSunshine, gleans inspiration from all over, but says, “My BIGGEST motivations are Coach Rob’s page at 4:30am, #TeamKIlla and #FresnoFitChef’s instagram feeds, they are 2 crazy inspiring, positive women, and watching the successes of so many others on the web.”  Some of the accounts that she follows on Instagram are The Good Quote, GlennonDoyleMelton (author of “Love Warrior”), Better Things in Life, Kate.Cash.Fitness, and LvnFit.  IMG_5599In my opinion, Deb isn’t motivated by a number on the scale.  When she came to me, she said that she didn’t care what she weighed as long as I  could help her get to a healthier version of her old self.  Baby steps Sunshine, back to baby steps.  Check out when #teamSunshine started her baby steps.

As I have discussed before, motivation and maintaining motivation are key components to any successful lifestyle change.  Starting next Monday September 4th, my Monday posts will be dedicated to sharing the people, quotes, and sites that I turn to for my own MOTIVATION!   Just in case you missed it, check out one of my blogs on Motivation, “The M in B.A.M. Logic!!!”

Motivation is what




Easy Access to Eating Healthy

Changing your eating habits is a process, it is not something that happens overnight. In the age of the Internet and apps like Pinterest, Instagram, and the Food Network, there is no reason why you can’t find healthy recipes that fit your tastes and dietary needs.

Food Journal VeggieAs a trainer, I recommend that you begin a new eating regimen by first understanding what types of foods you are currently consuming by creating a food journal, even if it just for a week or two.  This article from Redbook Magazine offers a list of the best food journaling apps on the market 18 Best Food Tracker Apps of 2017

  • What are you eating?
  • Why are you eating?
  • When are you eating?
  • How much water are you drinking?
  • How many of your calories are from drinks other than water? Coffee? Soda?
  • How many calories are you consuming?

water-1When you have a handle on what you are consuming, educate yourself on what you should be consuming.  You can consult with a nutritionist, a healthcare professional, or a personal trainer like myself that is educated in the types of nutrition necessary to achieve your health and fitness goals.

  • What should you be eating? Carbs? Proteins?
  • When should you be consuming your calories?
  • How much water should you be drinking?
  • How many calories are you burning?
  • How many calories should you be consuming?

When you have a better idea of what you should be doing, start by making a few changes every week and ease yourself into a new lifestyle.  BuzzFeed has a GREAT list of tricks to help you baby step your way into new eating habits.   Remember, changing your eating habits is not about self-deprivation, it is about living healthier.

Who holds your feet to the fire?

IMG_5120.JPGNo man or woman is an island and no goal worth accomplishing will happen without the help of others.

If you are seeking a change or to develop a new habit, it would be extremely advantageous to find an Accountability Partner (AP).  We can accomplish difficult tasks and make huge leaps toward our goals using our personal fortitude and will power, but if you want to go the distance and do great things, then you must enlist the help of someone that will hold your feet to the fire!

Don’t make the mistake of over thinking the qualifications of your Accountability Partner.   IMG_6616The only real qualification needed is that your new partner will have your best interest at heart and that they’ll be brutally honest with you. Another thing to keep in mind — the accountability process / partnership will work best if you’re open and honest about what you are working on or need to work on.  Give your AP as much detail as possible and make yourself as vulnerable as you feel comfortable.  Your AP should be a “safe place” but a place where you will be challenged and stretched to move out of your comfort zone.

If you need some statistics to convince you that an AP is the way to go, The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study on accountability and found the following statistics:

The probability of completing a goal if:

  • You have an idea or a goal:  10%
  • You consciously decide you will do it:  25%
  • You decide when you will do it:  40%
  • You plan how  you will do it:  50%
  • You commit to someone you will do it:  65%
  • You have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to:  95%


Remember, an accountability partner will be honest with you, won’t listen to your excuses, will give you honest feedback, will give you a motivational push when you need it, and will hold your feet to the fire when you want to give up!  So if it is in business, fitness, or just doing life better that you are now, seek someone that will hold you accountable and help you attack your goals.  BAM!!!

Maintain Motivation Monday!

BAM Logic!!!

Maintain Motivation Monday

Maintaining motivation is tough for most of the world.  An integral part of staying motivated, is to find a source of inspiration that speaks to YOU and to remain positive!


All About Appetite Regulation

What is eating the right amount?

Ideally, our physiology regulates our appetite perfectly.  We evolved to eat when we’re hungry, and stop when we’ve had enough.

Of course, it doesn’t always work that way in our modern society.

Appetite has a massive “real life” component. Subtle eating cues can trump physiology. These can include:


For example, the size of dishes, how close the food is to us, etc. One study found that people ate more from a candy dish right in front of them but much less from a candy dish 6 feet away. They also ate more from an uncovered candy dish than a covered candy dish.


  • We like certain tastes and textures.
  • We like sweet, fatty, and “umami” (savoury) things.
  • We like creamy textures and crunchy textures.
  • We also like multiple tastes and textures together, such as sweet-salty.


As the saying goes, “You eat with your eyes first.” We like food that looks pleasing, and we favour certain colours (ever seen candy with boring gray packaging?). Our smell is closely bound to our appetites as well as our memories and emotional associations. There’s a reason that Cinnabon smells so delectable — it’s part of a deliberate strategy to lure us in.


  • family, friends, peers
  • cultural messages about when and where it’s OK to eat


  • stress
  • anxiety
  • desire for comfort
  • symbolic associations with a certain food, e.g. “baking cookies makes me feel happy”


  • morning coffee in our special mug, or “the usual” at the coffee shop
  • being rushed in the mornings, so stopping at McDonald’s drive-thru
  • Friday beers after work with the boys
  • snacking in front of the TV while watching our favourite shows
  • cake at birthday parties
  • mom’s casserole at holidays
  • etc.

Sometimes these cues are helpful. Most have an evolutionary purpose. For example, knowing what food looks and smells good can prevent us from eating something that’s gone rotten. Eating when we weren’t hungry, but when food was available, would be helpful in a context when we couldn’t be sure where our next meal was coming from.

However, in 21st century society, our evolutionary survival mechanisms don’t work very well. Now, we’re surrounded by good-looking food that is available to us 24/7. We’re chronically stressed and seeking comfort. Our eating impulses are out of whack. Our biology no longer matches our environment.

When we are perfectly in tune with appropriate appetite and fullness cues, we eat when physically hungry and stop when satisfied (not stuffed). We maintain a healthy body weight.

When we are not in tune with these cues, our health and weight suffer.

Under-eating and over-eating

There are many reasons why we might under- or over-eat more than we need.

Under-eating might occur because of:

  • social pressures (e.g. among women to be thin)
  • stress
  • a desire to restrict food to feel “in control”
  • over-preoccupation with “health”
  • rigid restriction/elimination of certain foods

Over-eating might occur because of:

  • social pressures (e.g. wanting to fit in at social events)
  • stress
  • feeling “out of control”
  • a desire for comfort or self-soothing
  • disrupted biological routines such as lack of sleep or shift work
  • highly palatable tastes such as fatty and sweet foods
  • food availability: the food is there and it ain’t gonna eat itself!


Eating when hungry and stopping when satisfied is something that nearly all mammals are programmed to do from birth. Yet, in the U.S. we tend to “unlearn” this and only stop eating when we are “full.” Many cultures discourage this.

Throughout India, Ayurvedic tradition advises eating until 75% full.

The Japanese practice hari hachi bu, eating until 80% full.

hara hachi All About Appetite Regulation, Part 2

Islamic guidance from the Qur’an indicates that excess eating is a sin.

The Chinese specify eating until 70% full.

The prophet Muhammad described a full belly as one containing 1/3 food, 1/3 liquid, 1/3 air (nothing).

There is a German expression that says, “Tie off the sack before it gets completely full.”

“Drink your food and chew your drink,” is an Indian proverb that encourages us to eat slowly enough and chew thoroughly enough, to liquefy our food, and move our drink around our mouth and thoroughly taste it before swallowing.

When someone is finished eating in France they don’t say “I’m full,” rather, “I have no more hunger.”

And countries outside the U.S. emphasize that eating should be pleasurable and done in the company of others.

Group of people sitting at table outdoors on Qubecs gourmet dining route 329526 All About Appetite Regulation, Part 2

Homeostasis: The body’s secret weapon

The body likes things to stay the same, aka homeostasis. When homeostasis is interrupted, the body tries to self-regulate and get back on track.

With body weight, there are internal challenges in maintaining homeostasis. As nutrients are used, they must be replaced. Our bodies say “Please replenish these nutrients”, aka “Eat.” Our bodies say “Thank you, that’s enough for what I require”, aka “Stop eating.”

When we honour homeostatic hunger signals, we achieve optimal health.

  • If we eat when we are not hungry, the distraction and pleasure are only temporary; consequently, we have to eat more to feel better, feeding the cycle.
  • If we do not eat when we are hungry, our body gets us back eventually by cranking up our appetite signals and smothering our fullness signals. The biggest trigger of binge eating? Dieting.


Have you ever observed an infant eating? They eat when they are hungry, and they stop when they’ve had enough. If they don’t like something, they spit it out.

Mindful/intuitive eating is kind of like that.

When we eat this way, it promotes physical and psychological well-being. Physically, it’s gratifying to not feel overly stuffed or empty. Psychologically, it’s gratifying to be able to honor the internal cues of hunger and satiety, much like it’s psychologically gratifying to drink water when thirsty, get warm when cold, urinate when the bladder is full, or breathe after diving 8 feet to the bottom of a pool.

Years of mindless eating, restrictive dieting, and the “good” versus “bad” food mentality can warp the way we respond to internal body signals.

When the idea of “bad” food is discarded, it often removes the punishing cycle of restricting and gorging. Why? Because when we acknowledge that a food is available to us whenever we want, we can begin to select a variety of foods we enjoy and become the expert of our own body.

cows eating grass All About Appetite Regulation, Part 2

Three key components of mindful/intuitive eating are:

  • Unconditional permission to eat
  • Eating primarily for physical rather than emotional or environmental reasons
  • Relying on internal hunger and satiety cues

Why is eating the right amount so important?

If we don’t eat the right amount for our needs, our bodies will try to self-regulate to maintain homeostasis or meet evolutionary needs. If we’ve under-eaten, we might compensate with a binge. If we’re over-eating on highly palatable foods, our bodies might say “This is great! Have more, just in case of famine!”

While many people periodically eat in response to sensations other than physical hunger, this type of eating becomes destructive when it’s the principal way of dealing with feelings or going along with easy food availability. If we eat each time we get lonely, sad, bored or happy, or if food is around us, we’re in trouble.


Few nutrition professionals question the wisdom of using food deprivation as a means to manage weight. “Eat less” is the most common advice given to people wanting to lose weight.

Still, it doesn’t seem to be working for anyone. Some are beginning to acknowledge that “dieting” — as in significant, short-term food restriction — doesn’t work for sustained health and weight management.

“Dieting” can increase food cravings, food preoccupation, guilt associated with eating, binge eating, weight fluctuations, and a preoccupation with weight.

We might get into a cycle of “deprivation mentality”: we restrict, then lose control, then vow to “get back on the wagon” (ie. restrict further), then lose control again, then apply an even more rigid control, then lose control… over and over and over.

“Dieting” can work in the short term. People can and do lose fat and weight… for a while. But more than 90% of individuals who lose weight will regain it within 2 years.

“Dieting” doesn’t address either the underlying deprivation-binge mindset, or the real problems of why you’re overfat in the first place.


Mindful/intuitive eating asks “Why am I eating?” and “Am I truly hungry?” Thus it can reduce binging and emotional eating episodes. The more mindfulness and meditation someone uses, the more weight they can lose (and keep off).

Mindful/intuitive eaters aren’t obsessed eaters. Rather, they simply appreciate the value of food as opposed to hurrying through a meal. As they stop judging themselves, they are more present and aware of what they are doing.

What you should know


Figuring out satiety cues involves trial and error. The level and intensity of hunger can vary, as can knowing what foods/amounts will satisfy hunger. How the body responds to food is going to be different for everyone. It can also be different at different times of the day.

As I mentioned above, consider children. Kids generally push food away when they’re content. And they know when they don’t like something. Intuitive/mindful eating is about tapping back into that wisdom.

Be aware of how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. For example:


  • Is your stomach growling?
  • Do you have a headache
  • Are you feeling shaky or irritable?
  • Do you feel “stuffed”?


  • Are you thinking, “I want to eat this” or “I need to eat this”?
  • Are you aware of what you are eating or are you just plowing in the food while you do something else?
  • If your eating routine is disrupted, are you upset because it’s a change in habit, or because you’re genuinely hungry?


  • Are you anxious or stressed?
  • Are you happy or sad?

One way to approach eating may be to start with a typical meal and then tune in to how you feel physically, immediately after and every hour after that meal.

  • Immediately after eating: If you’ve eaten the right amount for optimal health, you’ll likely feel a slight level of hunger, but still content. It takes about 20 minutes for the satiety signal to go from the gut to the brain. The composition of a meal can influence satiety, so include real/whole foods with fiber, protein, and fat (and balance omega-6 with omega-3).
  • About 60 minutes after eating, you should feel satisfied with no desire to eat another real food meal.
  • When you approach the 2 hour mark, you may be starting to feel a little hungry, and could probably eat something, but it’s not a big deal yet. If you are feeling quite hungry, you may not have had enough food or enough of a given type of food to hold your satisfaction.
  • At 3 to 4 hours, you should be feeling like it’s about time to eat again. Your hunger should be stronger, and will vary depending on when you exercised and what your daily physical activity level is. If you aren’t hungry yet, you probably had a bit too much food at your previous meal.
  • After 4 hours, you’re likely hungry and ready to eat. This is when the “I’m so hungry I could eat anything” feeling kicks in. If you wait much longer, chances of making a knucklehead food selection goes up dramatically. It’s important to have nutritious and appealing foods available.

There is variability with all of this, but getting to a point where you’re slightly hungry between meals is a healthy sign. If you are eating every 2-4 hours without ever feeling a level of hunger, you are likely eating more than you need.


If you’re trying to get or stay lean, it’s OK and normal to feel hungry occasionally.

It’s important to accept this feeling because it’s not going anywhere. Nor would that really be a good thing since hunger plays a vital biological function.

“Hunger is not an emergency.” — Judith Beck


We didn’t evolve with highly processed foods. These foods confuse our natural appetite mechanisms.

Eating a dessert on its own will often increase the craving for more. It’s not that you necessarily need more processed carbs, just that you’ve triggered the body into thinking it wants more. Processed foods trigger our natural reward systems (think: opioids and dopamine released in the brain) and we want more (and more).

Unprocessed foods help keep hunger/satiety cues clear, and it’s easier to make adjustments. Remember, if you’re not hungry enough to eat broccoli, you’re probably not hungry.


Regular exercise makes us more efficient at using body fat, which can help balance appetite.

The type of activity can determine our appetite. Intense exercise, such as heavy weight training or high-intensity interval training, tends to suppress appetite in the short term, while low-intensity, endurance-type activity tends to stimulate appetite. (Ironically, many people do a lot of “cardio” when trying to lose fat, which can end up making them more likely to overeat!)

Still, some people play games when it comes to exercise and eating. They might allow themselves more food because they exercised, regardless of hunger changes. This “reward” system can be fickle and create a negative relationship with eating. “Exercise bulimia” occurs when we engage in a cycle of overeating then overexercising to “compensate”.

Practicing yoga can help with mindful/intuitive eating and assist in overall body satisfaction. This makes sense since yogic philosophy aims to unify mind, body and spirit.

Summary and recommendations

Dieting and cognitive control of food intake may actually lead to weight gain, disease, and disordered eating patterns.

Intuitive/mindful eating involves:

  • Slowing down the pace of eating (e.g., break during bites, chewing slowly, etc.).
  • Eating away from distractions (e.g., television, books, magazines, work, computer, driving).
  • Becoming aware of the body’s hunger and fullness cues and utilizing these cues to guide the decision to begin and end eating as opposed to following a regimented diet plan.
  • Acknowledging food likes and dislikes without judgment.
  • Choosing to eat food that is both pleasing and nourishing, and using all of the senses while eating.
  • Being aware of and reflecting on the effects caused by non-mindful eating (e.g., eating when bored or lonely or sad, eating until overly full).
  • Meditation practice as a part of life.

The goal of a meal is to finish feeling:

  • Better than when you started
  • Satisfied
  • Able to move on (not think about food until you are hungry again)
  • Energy to exercise and stay active
  • Mental focus

Eating too much or too little will result in variations of the normal responses mentioned above. This may include:

  • Lethargy
  • Fullness
  • Anxiety or jitters
  • Low or nervous energy
  • Food cravings, even when physically full
  • Headaches
  • Mentally sluggish
  • Heavy gut
  • Extremely thirsty

Extra credit

What type of person is most likely to eat unhealthy food? A restrained eater depriving themselves of a forbidden food. This is the psychological phenomenon ofdisinhibition. Habitual disinhibition — in other words, regularly overriding our natural fullness cues — is the factor most closely linked to weight gain.

The goal of mindful/intuitive eating is to master the process of eating and not focus on weight loss. For dieters, this task is extremely difficult.

In 2006, American Idol contestant Katharine McPhee told the media she won her battle against bulimia through intuitive eating. And yes, the popularity of intuitive eating grew.

One study found that infants cry more intensely when hungry than when in pain.

Those who eat intuitively naturally are slimmer than those who diet.

If hunger doesn’t tell you to start eating, what tells you to stop?

If you eat when you’re not hungry, you’ll never be satisfied.

Food is a costly antidepressant.

If you have any doubts about whether you’re hungry, you’re probably not.

Hunger is physical. Over-eating is psychological, mental, and emotional.

When your true needs are unmet, triggers will return again and again.

by Ryan Andrews

This For That #27

A glass OJ is missing the pulp, skin, and full fiber content of a orange. Skip the glass and go with the whole piece of fruit to reap the benefits of this healthy snack

One 8oz glass of OJ has close to 2.5 times the sugar and just one-third the fiber of a typical piece of fruit. The stats from the small juice contains 112 calories, 0.1g fiber, and 20.8g sugar, while the fruit has 45 calories, 2.3g fiber, and 9g sugar

Eat your fruit, don’t drink it

Try it!!

#eatitdontdrinkit #fruit #cleaneating #healthyeating #swapping #upgrade #thisforthat #maketheswitch #skillsforlife #fitnessisajourney #fitnessmotivation #wellness #health #r2 #resurgentfitness #coachrob


This For That #26

This is the worse.. You plan on going out to have a nice healthy dinner with every intention on keeping it low cal. And this is what ends up happening, you end up doing everything in your power to not eat the bread or you just give in altogether.

Why put yourself through that hassle and temptation?

Put yourself in the driver seat, stay home and cook! Cooking at home will more likely result in a healthier meal.
So your not the cooking type? Well maybe it’s time that you become more savvy in this area. There are countless recipes and food books out, so just pick one and make an attempt.

Try it!

#swapping #cook #eatinnotout #upgrade #thisforthat #maketheswitch #skillsforlife #fitnessisajourney #fitnessmotivation #wellness #health #r2 #resurgentfitness #coachrob
