Who holds your feet to the fire?

IMG_5120.JPGNo man or woman is an island and no goal worth accomplishing will happen without the help of others.

If you are seeking a change or to develop a new habit, it would be extremely advantageous to find an Accountability Partner (AP).  We can accomplish difficult tasks and make huge leaps toward our goals using our personal fortitude and will power, but if you want to go the distance and do great things, then you must enlist the help of someone that will hold your feet to the fire!

Don’t make the mistake of over thinking the qualifications of your Accountability Partner.   IMG_6616The only real qualification needed is that your new partner will have your best interest at heart and that they’ll be brutally honest with you. Another thing to keep in mind — the accountability process / partnership will work best if you’re open and honest about what you are working on or need to work on.  Give your AP as much detail as possible and make yourself as vulnerable as you feel comfortable.  Your AP should be a “safe place” but a place where you will be challenged and stretched to move out of your comfort zone.

If you need some statistics to convince you that an AP is the way to go, The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study on accountability and found the following statistics:

The probability of completing a goal if:

  • You have an idea or a goal:  10%
  • You consciously decide you will do it:  25%
  • You decide when you will do it:  40%
  • You plan how  you will do it:  50%
  • You commit to someone you will do it:  65%
  • You have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to:  95%


Remember, an accountability partner will be honest with you, won’t listen to your excuses, will give you honest feedback, will give you a motivational push when you need it, and will hold your feet to the fire when you want to give up!  So if it is in business, fitness, or just doing life better that you are now, seek someone that will hold you accountable and help you attack your goals.  BAM!!!

Fresno Fit Chef is Back for Set #2 — Sacrifice and Passion

Fresno Fit Chef showing off her guns!

My first blog covered most of my backstory and why I chose to get a personal trainer. The more time that I work on myself and work with Coach Rob, the more I realize that I have truly found my passion in physical fitness.

After years of being toxic to myself by making poor nutrition and health decisions, I live the daily challenge to be the best and healthiest version of myself.  In the last three years, Rob has guided me from a depressed 324 pound woman to an athlete.  One of the things that has helped me commit to transforming my life and my body is my competitive nature and the need to be the best.

I spend so much time in the gym now that it is like a second job!  I am constantly trying to improve my fitness game so that I can meet my next goal. My next goal is a lofty one; but it is something that I know I will achieve with my own perseverance, dedication, and commitment to improving and working with my Coach!

MY GOAL:  By the time that I am 45, I will compete in fitness competitions! IMG_6599

My transformation is a conversation starter.  When I talk with people about the investment I have made in myself by paying for personal trainer and I suggest that they do the same, I am frequently met with opposition.  The normal argument is that they can’t afford it!  I think that is total crap! 

Everyone has financial struggles, bills to pay, unexpected expenses, and excuses for why we are content with living in a space that is unhealthy.  I never thought I would be able to afford a personal trainer!  IMG_6597When I first started with Robert three years ago, I was not in the position where I could take on this financial responsibility, but I also was not in the position where I could go even one more day ignoring my unhealthy body and aches and pains.  By sacrificing the little luxuries in my life, that I had convinced myself were necessities, I was able to scrape together enough to see Rob on a weekly basis.  Now, I have streamlined my frivolous spending and workout with Coach Rob several hours a week and we are hard charging toward my goal of competition!  IMG_6596


Maintain Motivation Monday!

BAM Logic!!!

Maintain Motivation Monday

Maintaining motivation is tough for most of the world.  An integral part of staying motivated, is to find a source of inspiration that speaks to YOU and to remain positive!


Something I’ve Learned

Fitness and Health are two things that one should never cease to pursue. We all have goals and many of us are fortunate enough to obtain those goals, but what happens next? Do you stop? Do you seek to maintain what you’ve earned? My thought is this… It’s at this point that you set new objectives for yourself. Raise the bar just little bit higher and then spend the time trying to get to that next level. We have two options: complacency or growth! So why not choose growth and continue to move your health and fitness forward. This is what I’ve learned, You can never stop! Your journey will never be over nor should it be. Embrace the long view of your fitness and health aspiration and adjust your lifestyle to accommodate it.

***For more info on how to take your fitness and health to the next level, contact me at the number below to schedule a consultation.***
Coach Rob



The Positivity Trap: How upbeat coaches can kill client results

Think about how you sound when working with clients.

Do you say things like: 

“You’re only one workout away from a good mood!”

“You’re not gonna get the butt you want by sitting on it!”

“You’ll get a lot more compliments for working out than you will for sleeping in!”

Many health and fitness coaches think that always being positive, upbeat, inspiring, and ass-kicking is part of the job.

Encouraging language is what’s required to motivate clients through tough times and nudge them toward big success, right?

Actually, no.

Blindly spewing positivity in the midst of the suckiness of lifestyle change doesn’t show that you’re awesome and motivating.

In fact, it suggests you don’t care. That you don’t hear your clients, you don’t see them, and you don’t understand they’re struggling.

It sounds kinda crazy, but…

Too much positive talk is bad for your clients.

There’s certainly a place for positivity in coaching.

You want your clients to feel that you believe in them. You can help them visualize success, or point out the next steps they can take. All of that can be motivating. 

When your client is feeling all sunshine-and-rainbows, it’s okay to share that. Rock on with your rainbows.

But effective coaching also requires you to sense in and track with your clients.

This means paying attention. Observe carefully. Attune.

Know your clients’ cues. Listen to them. And understand their current state of mind.

Because your clients need their pain.

In most fitness and health coaching situations, we’re working with people who are in the midst of lifestyle upheaval.

That takes a lot of work. It also comes with a lot of ups and downs. Which are all completely normal.

Your clients deserve the opportunity to “feel” the lows.

In fact — this is important; pay attention — your clients may need those low moments in order to make progress.

Most change comes from responding to pain. We usually don’t change until the pain of not changing gets too strong to be ignored.

In other words, we need that pain. Pain is a signal to pay attention, get present, and check in.

And from a coaching perspective, clients need people to be with them in that pain… but not necessarily trying to push them out of it too quickly.

A study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology reveals that fantasy-caliber positive thinking may make you less likely to achieve a goal because it doesn’t generate the energy that’s needed to push forward.

If you want your clients to follow you to the finish line, you have to be able to support them in dark times. You have to let them be real.

For that, they have to see that you really get them, and that you truly empathize with how hard it can be to keep going.

When someone is struggling, the knee-jerk tendency to act like everything is happy-happy, joy-joy doesn’t communicate compassion at all.

It communicates that you’re not really paying attention.

Too much positivity isn’t real.

As a coach, thinking you have to be positive and inspiring all the time not only drags clients down — it can actually de-motivate them.

Imagine: You’re a client having a “fat day”. (Or a “scrawny day”. Or an “I’m so out of shape day”. Or your darn shoulder hurts again. Or that chocolate croissant you ate is sitting in your gut like a brick. Or…)

You arrive at the gym to greet your coach — Mr. Perfect or Ms. Invincible, who ignores your emotional state and gets in your face with rah-rah let’s-go-team!!


You think:

Not only do I suck at this and fail miserably, but my coach is a perfect model of positivity. S/he has bulletproof abs and an awesome life and a perma-smile. S/he can’t even begin to relate to how hard this is for me. I’ll never be like that.

Or worse:

My coach doesn’t understand me. I’m just another client.

And once you as a client start feeling that way, here’s what happens.

  • Activate operation “Give the heck up”…
  • followed by “Eat more cookies and ice cream to soothe pain of giving up”…
  • and, finally, “Burn down the houses of all the positive people I know, starting with my annoying trainer.”

Just kidding about that last one. (Sort of.)

precision nutrition positivity coaching trap smile The Positivity Trap: How upbeat coaches can kill client results.

Incessant positivity costs coaches, too.

Not only does this excessive positivity make it tough for clients — it’s tough for coaches, too.

Who out there can honestly keep up the “I’m always positive and upbeat and motivating” charade?

Who can continue being a walking, talking fitspiration poster ‘round the clock? 

Who can cover all the bases — competition-fit body, super-nutritious diet, perfect life choices, sparkling attitude?

Hint: No one.

Real humans feel real emotions. Happiness and positivity. Ambivalence and pain.

Real humans — yes, even supercoaches — aren’t magazine cover models either.

Fitness and health are about making real choices in real lives with real demands and real messiness.

Commence operation “get real”.

To be a great coach, you need to learn when positivity and inspiration are useful. Or when other tools are more appropriate.

The truth is: Sometimes things suck. And people shouldn’t always have to look on the bright side.

Coaches can learn to be present with that and respect it.

In situations like this, don’t pat clients on the back and point to some cheesy-ass motivational poster on the wall. Don’t fall into the positivity trap. For most clients, these are actively de-motivating.

Instead, learn to recognize that real emotions are being felt. And that these real emotions have a purpose too. They have value. In fact, these real, icky, inconvenient, painful emotions may actually be moving your client closer to change.

Use these moments to connect on a meaningful level — during ups, downs, and in-betweens — because it goes much further.

Here’s how to connect.

Think about how you go about motivating clients.

Do your attitude and demeanor send the message that everything has to be happy, positive, and easy all the time?

Do you feel uncomfortable in the face of “difficult” emotions or discussions? (Or worse, silence? Augh! You probably want to freak out just reading that, right?)

Or do your actions signal that it’s okay to struggle, to be sad, to need help? To not know the answers? To feel lost?

Imagine that your client expresses some form of frustration, complaint, or negativity, like, “I’m not seeing progress,” or “My body hurts,” or “I just don’t think I can do this!”

 Now ask yourself:

  • How do you imagine reacting in this scenario?
  • Does your reaction show the client that you genuinely hear them?
  • Does your reaction help your client feel more connected to you as a human being?
  • How do your expressions, body language, and words convey to your client that you can see where they’re coming from in their struggle?
  • How can you show compassion and help your client develop self-compassion, even when — especially when — things are tough?

Next time you encounter a difficult situation where empathy and compassion is warranted — not motivational slogans — here are some responses to try:

“Wow. That does sound tough [or sad, or challenging, or puzzling…].
How can I help?”


“Wow. That does sound tough [or sad, or challenging, or puzzling…].
Want to talk about it a bit more?”


“It sounds like you’re  ___.
And that’s frustrating?”


“I have so been there.
And you know what? It’s perfectly normal and OK to feel anxious right now.
Lots of folks feel like this when ___.”


“Tell me what the most frustrating [anxiety-provoking, saddening, irritating, etc.] thing is about this situation for you.
What’s bothering you most?”

In these situations, you want a good combination of empathy and information gathering.

The key is to really hear your clients’ needs and feelings. Let them feel the suckiness.

Let yourself get used to feeling suckiness too. It’s OK.

And then find ways of moving forward, together.

What to do next

  • If you own a cheesy motivational poster and you regularly share it with clients, do this instead: Burn it.
  • Take a few moments and go through the above “Here’s how to connect” scenario. Consider alternatives to how you normally react to struggling clients and how you engage with them when things suck.
  • Remember: The ultimate goal isn’t to make clients pretend everything is groovy. Or even to make them feel groovy. It’s to meaningfully connect. That’s what elite coaches do.

By Krista Scott-Dixon